bloch school of management, building, school-181093.jpg

2020年12月16日  暑假活动预告

2020年12月16日 暑假活动预告

        不平凡的2020终将过去,让我们带着梦想和希望慢慢走进2021年。可惜的是,我们今年都无法返回中国,跟自己的亲朋好友相聚和享用想念已久的美食。但是,请亲们不要灰心丧气, 新西兰夏天的景色是如此的美丽,新西兰夏天的气候是如此的舒适, 我相信你们一定会拥有一个跟以前不一样的夏天。为了丰富大家的暑期生活,我们为您提供一些有关暑假期间可供你们参加的活动的信息。 这些活动针对国际学生,希望孩子们在假期中能使他们忙碌。 这些活动从语言课程到大学组织的暑期课程,再到学生参观或游玩的活动,都能使他们有机会在这段时间内探索新西兰。


Learning (for all levels):

English Language courses. There are several courses on offer but we recommend Kiwi English Academy.

One of their courses (“Study tour”) combines classes in the morning and fun activities in the afternoon so this may be a good option for some students.

Other courses offered by the following schools (details in the attachment below):

  • International travel college of NZ
  • NZ School of Art and Fashion
  • NZ School of Food & Wine
  • NZ School of Tourism
  • NZMA – Hospitality and cooking courses
  • Talent solutions – virtual internship in one of 4 fields – Accounting, engineering, business and marketing
  • Yoobee Colleges – graphic design, animation, web development etc (potential of earning level 3 NCEA credits有可以得到NCEA LEVEL3 的学分的课程)
  • Kiwi English Acadamy(potential of earning level 1 NCEA credits有可以得到NCEA LEVEL1 的学分的课程 )
  • Summer travel options

Various tour options from different providers (please see attached file for details) including:

  • Day trips within Auckland (Mana tours have many options for day or half-day excursions not too far away)
  • South Island tours
  • North Island tours
  • Bay of Islands
  • Rotorua, Taupo & Waitomo
  • Coromandel & Whangamata
  • Tongariro Crossing
  • Hobbiton & Hamilton Gardens
  • Bethells & Muriwai Beach
  • Goat Island & Omaha beach